Saturday 11 August 2012

Amateur Bodybuilder Of The Week: Iron Will

How Did Your Bodybuilding Journey Begin?
I grew up in a big football town where you earned most respect by what you could do in the weight room. I was naturally a small individual, and actually did not start to grow until my junior year of high school; I entered freshman year at 5'1'' and started senior year at 5'10''.

Being small to begin with, I had a solid work ethic in the weight room and did my best to impress others. Unfortunately, from my desire to impress others, my form was terrible and I skipped working important muscle groups (I did not start religiously working my calves, traps or biceps until sophomore year of college).

Upon entering college, I still loved lifting weights. The post-workout high and rush I obtained while lifting was "my drug" and could be replaced by no other feeling. I was very committed to the gym, always making it my top priority, even over class work. However, I never had any goals. I went in, worked out and left. I repeated this routine 5-6 days a week. I was probably overtraining the majority of the time. Through my first year of college, I tried multiple supplements in an attempt to find that "magic" supplement to help put on mass (just like everyone else). Nothing really worked for me, but I enrolled in a CORE class at Maryland University and my life changed for the better.

I truly began to learn about proper nutrition and how to apply this around my exercise. At the end of the class, I actually changed my major to dietetics because I fell in love with the field of nutrition and how it can be applied to directly benefit exercise. Sophomore year of college was the first time I came across

When I decided it was time to set a lifting goal for myself I was seeking a new type of workout plan. I was immediately overwhelmed by loads of new information and can honestly say I spent most classes on my laptop reading various articles on lifting and nutrition. I also came across the work of Layne Norton. I could write many more paragraphs on how Layne has changed my life, but to keep it simple: His work inspired me more and really motivated me to pursue what I loved.

Spring of my sophomore year, I decided to design my own nutrition program, commit to a similar PHAT routine and embark on a 12-week cut while preparing as if I were going to compete. I did this to prove to myself I could actually commit to this lifestyle, as well as to test my true love. In the end, I fell in love with the results and had no issues with the diet.

I learned so much in those 12 weeks and through my continuous learning process. I still eat the same way; four meals daily, and a high protein diet coupled with moderate carbohydrates and low fat intake. I target my macros and eat foods I enjoy, all while still weighing out each portion.

I continued this lifestyle and in January 2012 I signed up for the NGA Natural Bodybuilding Competition in Annapolis, Maryland. I began a life-changing 18-week journey where I eventually went on to win the Men's Novice Lightweight Division as well as the Men's Novice Overall Division in my first show! I was so shocked with my results and committed to train for future shows.

What Workout Regimen Delivered The Best Results?
After coming across Layne Norton's PHAT routine and learning why he suggested this method of training, I was convinced to try it. I have seen more results from this routine than anything I designed in the past and have continued with it ever since. I loved the idea of always mixing up exercises every few weeks to keep it new. I also thoroughly enjoy lifting heavy and chasing the pump all in one week!

A big key for me on the hypertrophy days is making sure I establish the mind-muscle contraction and really slow down and feel each repetition. I usually de-load every 3-4 months or as I see fit with how my body is responding.

Building Muscle or sexy shape on a Budget

Building Muscle On A BudgetPaying too much for groceries? Outgrowing your clothes? Can't afford whey protein? Follow these tips, save money and get the results you want.
There always seems to be an excuse but even in these harsh economic times; a determined bodybuilder can continue to make good gains while on a tight budget.  With a little effort and some creativity, your gains will continue to come. As they say, where there is a will there is a way.

It’s All How You Spend Your $$$$

Think about it; we all have choices. We choose this lifestyle, and so let’s take a moment to look at our lifestyle. While others may not be so understanding in our high consumption of nutritious food, protein powders and supplements, it’s all how you see it.

The other day I was in the grocery store in the checkout line. The guy in front of me had just shelled out over $160.00. Hmm, I couldn’t help but look as his items rolled by me on the conveyer belt. I watched as he proceeded to unload his cart with boxed potatoes, processed meats, sugary cereal, canned Hamburger Helper, soda, beer and not to mention an assortment of pastries and French bread from the bakery. You get the idea.

Again I say, a grand total of $160.00 for what I have to ask? My cart was packed pretty high with nutritious food, chicken, eggs, beef, oatmeal, fresh fruits and veggies. I spent under $100.00.

As I glanced behind me, I couldn’t help but notice what was in this person’s cart. Once again this guy’s cart was stacked high with canned and processed foods, sugary snacks and sodas.

Friday 20 July 2012

Burn your stubborn belly fat — we'll show you how to lose the flab around your waist, so you get the trim, flat stomach you've always wanted.
Build lean, ripped muscle we'll show you how to build a tastefully muscular "fitness model" body that will get you lots of female attention.
Get real six pack abs — You'll learn how to get real defined six pack abs that will turn heads at the beach or pool and make you the envy of all your friends.


 Women: you know that losing weight, eating right and toning up isn't easy. Fitness fanatic Maritza Rodriguez shares 22 tips and tricks that will help you get in shape, and feel healthy and energetic.
Mistakes to avoid when starting an exercise for women

Getting a fit body for men is not an easy days job. You have to be prepared for workout routines and diets. With that you can get the perfect body shape you dreamed off.
 We'll give specialized full workouts for fat loss, developing athletic conditioning, sculpting your body for maximum visual impact...and more.

Top Rated Transformations

"Back in high school I was in great shape, played football and stayed very active and a flat stomach. I was confident, I looked great in clothes, and was never fat.

Just like everybody else, those were my best years as far as the way my physique looked. As time went by, I felt to busy to exercise and my waistline expanded. Every year, my gut got a little bigger.

Thanks to Six Pack Shortcuts and to you Mike, I'm back down to football playing shape. One of my main goals with the program was to reduce my waistline and to see ab definition. You can see how my abs looked at the end of the program from the picture, and I was very satisfied with the reduction in my waistline as well.
Thanks again Mike.

I had been working out the past 3 years and was never able to get my abs defined. I tried different diets, fat burners, and did tons!
I was browsing online one day and came across Mike's six pack site and told myself 'What the hell, I tried everything else I could think of.' Well, pictures don't lie — you can see what my body and my abs looked like at the end of the program. I got to be honest, I feel great with my shirt off these days.

My biggest problem area on my body was my gut...I bought all kinds of abs machines I saw on the infomercials but none of them delivered what they promised. The problem wasn't that I didn't have ab muscles; it was the thick layer of fat that was covering them. I saw the Six-Pack Shortcuts online one day and decided to give it a shot. I was very skeptical at first, but after just 1 week I begin to see a difference. At the end of the program I was very satisfied with the way my abs looked, and I decided to compete
On the day of my show, my ab definition was excellent, as you can see in the picture above. I did very well in the competition, and I partly credit this to the look my abs had in the picture above."


Saturday 14 July 2012

Get Sexy Legs within Two Weeks

Many people may think that getting skinny legs in two weeks is as easy as going on a diet and exercising. However, dieting and exercising do not spot-reduce. You will end up losing weight all over your body or in places you don't need or want to lose weight. The best way to get quick results and skinny legs is to focus on toning the legs and increasing their muscle mass. Because muscle takes up less space than fat, your legs will automatically appear skinnier and fit into a smaller size.

  • Set realistic goals. You want a body that is well-proportioned. Don't aim to get Twiggy-style legs when the rest of your body is medium-sized.
  • Realize that in order to get skinny legs in two weeks, you will have to be very disciplined and consistent when it comes to your nutrition and exercise routine. Straying from your regimen will not give you the desired results in two weeks.

  • Incorporate a healthy diet that exists of 40-percent carbohydrates, 40-percent protein and 20-percent fat. Don't fall for restrictive fad diets that leave you tired and unmotivated.
  • Eat small healthy meals, five to six times per day to keep your metabolism and energy level up. Eating frequently will also keep you from feeling hungry and overeating. Stick with this eating pattern over the whole two weeks.
  • Join a gym so you have access to both cardiovascular and weight-lifting equipment. If needed, you can get a trainer to help introduce you to the equipment in the gym. Some gyms have trial memberships where you can exercise, free of charge for a set period of time. You can also inquire about daily, weekly, monthly and yearly memberships.
  • Do 30 to 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, five days a week for both weeks. Working out on the elliptical machine, treadmill or stationary bike are all acceptable forms of cardiovascular exercise that get the heart rate going and focus on the legs.
  • Add 30 minutes of weight training to your daily routine, five days a week for both weeks. Even though spot-reduction is not possible, you should still focus on the leg muscles. Do this by using machines like the thigh abductor, which focuses on the inner and outer thigh area.
  • Listen to your body. If your body feels sore and tired, it is time to let it recover by taking a day off from your exercise routine. Skipping a day will not affect your result, it will heal the muscles so that the next time you exercise, you can use them to their full ability. If you work out five days a week, for two weeks, you will have four days left. Make these four rest days, and split them up over the two weeks.
  • Mix up your workout routine by incorporating a Pilates or Yoga class. These classes both focus on flexibility and stretching. They will help give your legs a long and lean shape.
  • Make exercising and eating a healthy diet part of your lifestyle. If you stop your routine after two weeks the muscle mass that you have built up will shrink and legs may be prone to gain cellulite and will look less toned.

Read more: How to Get Skinny Legs in 2 Weeks | 

Get Ripped Within a Few Days

There are just few instructions provided below on how to get your body ripped in a few weeks, to give sexy body shapes!!

Maintain a good diet, goes without saying but needs to be said anyway.

You'll increase the frequency of the workout each week. Each day will consist of 30 reps, low weight for 8 core lifts. After going through all 8 core lifts, you'll take a short 5 minute break and repeat the workout cycle. The transition between core lifts needs to be 1-2 minutes max.
Week 1: 3 days, 2 cycles.
Week 2: 4 days, 2 cycles.
Week 3: 3 days, 3 cycles.
Week 4: 4 days, 3 cycles OR 3 days, 4 cycles.

The workout cycle is in this order, 30 reps per lift:
Calf Raises
Lat Pulls
Tricep Curls
Dead Lifts
Bicep Curls
rest 5 minutes and repeat cycle as indicated per Week.
 How to get ripped muscles in 4 weeks | 

Is it possible to get ripped that fast?

Wow, slow down cowboy! Nothing can be made in a few days. However, I bet you can get ripped in two weeks. Believe me, it’s not that hard as you think. You just need to follow your plan very well.

Getting ripped supplements are very important when the point is time. You need to select good supplements to get ripped fast.

Most of get ripped fast supplements are for 1 month use, but you will start to see results in only 2 weeks. Just do not broke your workout plan anytime. It’s really important to follow workout routine each day when you try to get ripped in a few week.

Many people have create a workout program for themselves after they read our blog, and now we are very happy to read some emails we are getting from them about their getting ripped fast process and their success.

Try to follow our get ripped fast blog, our blog is not like any other blogs which give tones of unnecessary information when you only want to learn how you can get ripped fast.

  • Tips & Warnings

It's a very difficult workout, you will be tired so don't use too much weight in the beginning.

  • Eat properly.
  • Work out with a friend that will keep you motivated.
  • It's great if you can add cardio on at the end for 30 minutes.
  • Don't use too much weight.
  • Don't get discouraged after weeks 1 and 2, the results will show in week 3.

Read more: How to get ripped muscles in 4 weeks |